Saturday, January 30, 2016

Give wartune a "red" light and prevent them from going onto steam

Wartune has made an announcement about 1-2 weeks ago that they want to be added to "Steam Greenlight"  When I first heard about it, I was quite annoyed because I have used Steam before and do chat with some of my family members on their chat program.  I told people that I knew that if Wartune would make it on Steam, I would boycott steam if it happens and will encourage others to do the same.  Apparently wartune paid $100 and is trying to get enough votes for the game to go on steam green. 

Based on some research I did, apparently after a company or anyone who made a game wants Steam Green to host their game, all they need to do is pay $100 and ask people to vote for it.  If they get enough votes ( haven't figured it out), then it goes through digital paperwork.  Since wartune is a pay to win game, they would also need to negotiate how much revenue sharing they would do. 

Unless I am interpreting this incorrectly, if steam accepts this game and ends up making money off this game through their revenue sharing, then stream will be supporting rotten customer service and I will start calling for the boycott of steam.  I strongly encourage ANYONE who uses steam and loves it to please vote "no" for wartune in their greenlight section.  You will be doing steam a huge favor in the long-run.  In addition, who knows if Wartune has any of their game content copyrighted since many other games uses identical features/names (term "sylphs" are used in League of Angels and wartune) in which steam needs to look into.

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