Monday, January 25, 2016

R2/proficient believes one hour notice for a major game chance maintenance is enough notice for their players

Way to go again for two maintenances in a row.  Another ONE HOUR notice before pulling servers down which occurred on 1/25/2016.  The maintenance is for major game changes.  So, are cashers not entitled for this information?  You know, if people had an advance notice that the next update was coming on 1/25/2016, I bet there are players out there that would take off from their job and plan accordingly.  But does r2 & proficient city do that?  Nope. 

I honestly don't get why r2/proficient pulls this kind of crap.  I also don't get why cashers (ANY cashers, including people who spend $7.99 per month on their VIP status) put up with this.  So, people who spend ANY kind of money are to blame. 

I also noticed that in this maintenance, they are changing major events like dates for cross-server guild battle (was on Sunday now will be Saturday) , class/chaos wars (Thursday/Saturday now on Tuesday/Thursday).  I will argue that this is a major change because some people made sure that they can attend these events before playing but now..... there will be some people who spend money on this game and these new dates won't work for them.  The game should have gave all players a month notice for these changes.   So again, thank you cashers for rewarding, and I am sure you cashers will continue to reward r2/proficient city because you will see a deal and be like, "OMG, I never seen these items 5% off, I need to buy them!"

I wonder how many people will recharge after this maintenance today?  Also, how about how many new bugs will people find?  Based on what the bugs that occurred for arena rewards couple months ago, I bet these date changes for the events will be fowled up. 

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