Thursday, January 14, 2016

I heard many good things about a solid state drive (such as how it reduces the time your computer starts/shut down because all of the data is readily accessible and not like a traditional hard drive where it has to find it on a disk) and I have been getting sick and tired of the lag that wartune provides.  So I took some advice and built a new computer.  Well I had no other choice but to build one if I wanted to go solid state route.  Anyhow, my thinking was that if I would get a better computer (16GB ram, 8GB graphics card) this would eliminate the problems I was having on wartune. 

I was wrong.  It did however help greatly with the lag and I can record my game w/o my game crashing so I can see if my macro's are working, but at times, the game crashes and I get black screens.  I honestly don't understand how some people would rather spend $5,000 on items in the game where they mark them down and in return have to deal with these problems. 

Can someone please explain to me why you spend under these conditions?

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