Thursday, March 12, 2015

Some examples of in-game problems on free to play games

It's quite amazing that people can't control their ego when problems occur in games.  They rather continue to reward the game they play by allowing bug to exist for a long period of time so they can remain a stronger player instead of demanding their game to fix all game problems.  Cashers in my opinion who spend any kind of money on a game and whine about problems are hypocrites and are rewarding the game maker for not fixing their problems.

This week alone, I came across three in-game issues in wartune that I would like to share:

Issue 1 - events not refreshing:  The servers went down this weekened so the game can adjust the clock due to daylight savings time.  Couple days later, many game events didn't reset after reset time. Many people like myself lost out of a day's worth of some activities.  Long-term this isn't a big deal but what was bad was how r2 - one of the hosts of wartune handled it.  They didn't even bother posting anything official about this bug that occurred.  We did receive a compensation package but it was crummy and didn't allow us to go back and do events that many people missed out on for a day. 
My solution: All "premium" players in any free to play game should have any attempts that they missed on a prior day "stacked," meaning if they miss one attempt one day, it will carry over to the next day.  Wartune unfortunately does not give their "premium" (VIP) players this option. By doing this, all of the VIP players would have been able to do some of their daily events at a later time and if they miss a few days, they can make up all of the events that they lost out on.

Issue 2- sylph bots:    I get great comic relief on people who complain about people using  programs or "bots" to perform some of in-game tasks and the game does absolutely nothing about this problem.  My solution would be for the gaming site to fully enforce their terms of service which wartune does not (this will be a future topic I will address).  My solution:  Stop paying for a game that allow bots and instead spend money on a bot program instead until the game starts to crack down and ban people that use bots.

Issue 3 - jewel hunt bug: I just found out about this beneficial bug on a game event where you can increase your rewards while doing the event.  Bugs like this are rare on the game but it seems that the game knows about it for awhile and does not want to fix it.  It looks like some people have been banned for using this bug and other haven't (particularly cashers). My solution:  I would say if you are able to, take advantage of this bug until wartune gets off their lazy butt and fixes it. It seems that if you do spend some money on this game, you are immune from being banned by taking advantage of this bug.

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