Thursday, July 16, 2015

Another example of proficient city flipping off customers

Early this morning (7/16/15), wartune on r2 servers has weekly maintenance.  We were originally told they were adding the following content:
  1. Added a new PvE system: Bounty Targets.
  2. Added a group dungeon: Narrandera Remains.
  3. Added a new battleground: Land of Twilight. The old battleground has been replaced.
  4. Added a new Eudaemon: Scourge Mage.
  5. Added an advanced mount, Magic Mount.
  6. Added two double element Sylphs: Loki and Odin.
  7. Optimized the Dimensional War.
  8. Optimized various game systems.
  9. Resolved various typographical issues.

This morning, they added the following statement:
Please note that points 1-6 were only updated to the pre-launch servers this time. Other servers will have these new contents following next maintenance.
They list servers affected.  Last night, I was under the impression that ALL servers was affected, but it was only a selected amount of servers. This is yet again another example of cashers being treated like dirt but they continue to tolerate it by cashing in a completely optional game.

It is also looking like proficient city also made some unannounced changes that isn't listed above. Fortunately this only happened in their servers that received the new content so people like myself who wasn't affected can plan for these changes.

Again cashers why do you keep rewarding them?

Also, do you noticed how vague their updates are?  They use "optimized" instead of listing in details what they are changing.  Again, why SHOULD you spend money if the game will once again change the gameplay in which you have to change your strategy?  Here, here, and here (you need to dig through the comments section) are examples of games where anytime and update is made, they add every last detail on what they changed on their game.  Unfortunately these games are not online games but these are custom made fan-based game that are well made, free to play, free to win, free to master and the creators want to provide the best customer service and gaming experience for these games.  If these people who make games for free offer better customer service than games companies like r2, proficient city, kongerate, and kabam, why can't they do the same? 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

"Guild" management - how guildmasters on games should manage

Almost every game, you can join something that is called a guild.  Basically, it is a group of players who are in a same group sharing similar beliefs. Usually, one person or a few players manage the "guild" while you can have other ranks such as "assistant guild master," "officer," "sergeants," and so on.  Ranks depend on usually whoever the guild master or assistant guild master assigns. 

So, how should a guild be managed?  Below is some advice as how a guild should me managed:

1. Helping active members getting their multi-player runs done. 
If you see members that are showing up for guild events like guild battle, actively contributing to guild funds, recruiting members, and so forth, you better be helping that members get their multi-players activities done.  Find out when the player(s) will be on and run some mp's with them or help them find a group if you won't be around when the player has time to run.

2. Talk to the guild
When members come on, say hi.  Initiate conversations or contribute to conversations.  Too many guilds have guild masters or officers that don't talk or acknowledge their members.  They need to know that they feel welcomed otherwise they may try a different guild or quit the game.

3. Stop your gloating
Only talking about your strength or all of the stuff you accomplish will turn off some players.  Some players don't have money to spend on their character.  Others will interpret it as how rich you are, or how much you support rotten customer support if the game truly does have awful customer service like proficient city & r2.

4. Stand up for your members
Are there non-guild players bothering guild members?  Guild masters or officers need to step in and try to resolve issues.  Also, don't you even think about siding with the person or running multi-player events that is causing problems with members.  Your guild members won't like that and you will be setting a poor standard.

5. Notify members times of all guild events
It is easy as creating a facebook page, twitter, or some other site where members can go and look up when guild events are.  Just because a guild master said, event x will be a y doesn't mean everyone will see it.  Assume they won't. Also, be consistent and avoid changing times if possible.

6. Dealing with problematic players in guild
There may be times where some players in the guild don't get along or cause problem or bully people.  You need to step in and find out what's causing them to behave that way and put a stop to it before you have several people leaving over it.

7. Be respectful of other guilds
If you want to grow, you need to be respectful to all people, not just people in your guild.  Don't go around and bully other members.  It may bite you in the back if another guild retaliates and your members may suffer.

8. Don't play favorites
Having a group that you only do multi-player activities can turn people off who don't have groups.  I recommend that if you have a daily group not to be in a high-level guild position because it may upset members that don't have a dedicated team to run with.  Help members find a group if they don't have one.

9. Trusting members to take over when you go on vacation
Games like wartune doesn't allow other people to activate guild events; only the guild master.  You need to ensure that you have at least 1-2 members that you can trust to take over your guild when you decide to take a few days off from the game.  Also, let people know when you do take time off. Don't hide secrets from members.

10.  Use a voice programs like Skype
If there are events like guild battles, it is much easier to talk to members and how to stradegyze by using programs like Skype than trying to type. 

What would other people say how a guild should be managed?