Saturday, December 19, 2015

Wartune dev's are hypocrits for banning people utilizing gem bug

Recently, a major bug in wartune was exploited where players could get some in-game items unlimited.  This obviously affects gameplay since many of the items are hard to get.  Many items also can be purchased using in-game currency which costs money.  This bug has been fixed but left most offenders banned (suspended would be a better term) for five days.  I understand why the game makers of wartune decided to ban players in this instance but there are many players that violate the TOU and never get banned.  So it leads to me thinking, why should they bother banning players utilizing this bug and getting almost unlimited items?

Better yet, why should wartune have a Terms of Use that they will only selectively enforce parts of it?  I am a person who believes that they should enforce all aspects of a Terms of Use or don't enforce it at all and get rid of it.  It's quite obvious that they don't ban people who don't keep their password's confidential but they ban people for getting almost unlimited items?  They can easily remove and change this at anytime anything in the TOU that they don't want to enforce.... but they haven't removed anything pertaining to keeping your password confidential.  I am aware that in the Question and Answer section, they do state that they are not going to waste their time punishing players who share their passwords but that IS NOT STATED IN THEIR TERMS OF USE.  How selfish....

Selfish to the point that I believe that the players who utilized the gem bug SHOULD NOT BE BANNED NOR HAVE THEIR ITEMS REMOVED!  Yes, it is against their Terms of Use not to exploit their "errors," but at the same time people report bugs and they don't do hardly anything about or drag their feet on fixing it.  An example of a current bug:  If you complete spire normal keeping your attempt unchecked, and in the same room, start spire nightmare with the attempt checked, and leave before "starting it," you will get the nightmare rewards as like you completed all the stages but you haven't even completed it.  This bug has existed two months (since they released either version 5.0 or 5.1) and they haven't fixed it.  If they aren't going to fix it, WHY REPORT IT!? 

I don't care what anything says outside the Terms of Use, when you registered for the game, you were FORCED to check off that you Read and Understood their Terms of Use.... you were NOT required to read and understood all of their FAQ's section or check off that you "Read and Understood" their FAQ section.  Therefore I believe, anything that it is their FAQ is irrelevant.  I honestly have no idea what a lawyer would say (and I would be interested in hearing what they had to say about your rights in this case).

As for the people who was banned or any items removed... I strongly recommend to contact a lawyer and see if you are able to file a lawsuit against the game.  Claim that since they don't actively seek to ban players who actively share their passwords to another that you were damaged when they decided to enforce another area of their TOU.  Put a cash value on how many items you loss.  That is easy.  If one of the items at lv 1 costs $1.45 to buy, and you needed three of them to upgrade it to lv 2, 3 of lv 2 to upgrade to lv 3.... and so forth.  If you have upgraded one resistance crystal to level 12, it would be worth a whopping $256,863.15!!!   Have 9999 of that item and your account would be worth $2,568,374,636.85 ...  2.57 billion dollars.... just shows how they overcharge some of their items in their shops. 

Wartune's latest bug exploit that may destroy the game

Two massive bugs occurred recently on the free to play game wartune in which I like to bring up.

Free mounts
A post was made one random day claiming that there were people making many of the same mount card and provided screenshots of players making the mount.   The next day, R2 did an emergency maintenance fixing it.  (Shockingly, R2 thought players were entitled to know why they were doing a maintenance.) Having the mount already activated, any extra mount cards you received can be converted into beast souls which you can use to buy other mounts.   As to date, no announcement was made if they removed mount cards, beast souls, and/or other mounts to any accounts that has utilized this bug.  Wartune has my guess over 200 mounts.  Wartune has been rolling out a new mount every week and you probably have to spend over $100 each week to get the new mount unless you get lucky.

 Making almost unlimited duplicate items:
Apparently, wartune decided to do so called "emergency maintenance" early Monday morning on December 14th.  (Apparently r2 thought that their players weren't entitled to the reason for this maintenance.  They usually do a weekly maintenance early Thursday morning.)  So I checked another source and I found the following:
"Recently, some players have been reported to use irregular methods to get Gems.  Thankfully, related bugs were fixed during the emergency maintenance on 12/14.  Proficient City reserves the right to take measures against any illegal operations."

 It took R2 25 hours after maintenance before finally thinking that their players were entitled to information about the bug/gem issue.   R2/proficient city claimed that all affected players were removed although there were many players claiming that players who utilized this bug never had all of their extra items removed. Then, the weekly maintenance for 12/17 occurred in which they finally removed the duplicate items to players who utilized the bug &  gave them a five day ban.

You would think problem solved?  Nope.  Apparently there were players complaining in the forms that they were banned but didn't utilized the bug. R2 admitted about 23 hours after 12/17 maintenance that there were players who were banned incorrectly and players who had incorrectly their gems removed.  Based on some of the posts, some heavy cashers were banned... Who know what they determined who got banned and who wasn't. 

Some info on how this bug worked:  Wartune developers have added new inventory space dedicated for items like gems, eudemon crystals, and resistance crystals.  (All of the items stored was used to load items onto your equipment or your battle protection)  Here is a video on how a player was able to utilize this bug.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Another example of proficient city flipping off customers

Early this morning (7/16/15), wartune on r2 servers has weekly maintenance.  We were originally told they were adding the following content:
  1. Added a new PvE system: Bounty Targets.
  2. Added a group dungeon: Narrandera Remains.
  3. Added a new battleground: Land of Twilight. The old battleground has been replaced.
  4. Added a new Eudaemon: Scourge Mage.
  5. Added an advanced mount, Magic Mount.
  6. Added two double element Sylphs: Loki and Odin.
  7. Optimized the Dimensional War.
  8. Optimized various game systems.
  9. Resolved various typographical issues.

This morning, they added the following statement:
Please note that points 1-6 were only updated to the pre-launch servers this time. Other servers will have these new contents following next maintenance.
They list servers affected.  Last night, I was under the impression that ALL servers was affected, but it was only a selected amount of servers. This is yet again another example of cashers being treated like dirt but they continue to tolerate it by cashing in a completely optional game.

It is also looking like proficient city also made some unannounced changes that isn't listed above. Fortunately this only happened in their servers that received the new content so people like myself who wasn't affected can plan for these changes.

Again cashers why do you keep rewarding them?

Also, do you noticed how vague their updates are?  They use "optimized" instead of listing in details what they are changing.  Again, why SHOULD you spend money if the game will once again change the gameplay in which you have to change your strategy?  Here, here, and here (you need to dig through the comments section) are examples of games where anytime and update is made, they add every last detail on what they changed on their game.  Unfortunately these games are not online games but these are custom made fan-based game that are well made, free to play, free to win, free to master and the creators want to provide the best customer service and gaming experience for these games.  If these people who make games for free offer better customer service than games companies like r2, proficient city, kongerate, and kabam, why can't they do the same? 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

"Guild" management - how guildmasters on games should manage

Almost every game, you can join something that is called a guild.  Basically, it is a group of players who are in a same group sharing similar beliefs. Usually, one person or a few players manage the "guild" while you can have other ranks such as "assistant guild master," "officer," "sergeants," and so on.  Ranks depend on usually whoever the guild master or assistant guild master assigns. 

So, how should a guild be managed?  Below is some advice as how a guild should me managed:

1. Helping active members getting their multi-player runs done. 
If you see members that are showing up for guild events like guild battle, actively contributing to guild funds, recruiting members, and so forth, you better be helping that members get their multi-players activities done.  Find out when the player(s) will be on and run some mp's with them or help them find a group if you won't be around when the player has time to run.

2. Talk to the guild
When members come on, say hi.  Initiate conversations or contribute to conversations.  Too many guilds have guild masters or officers that don't talk or acknowledge their members.  They need to know that they feel welcomed otherwise they may try a different guild or quit the game.

3. Stop your gloating
Only talking about your strength or all of the stuff you accomplish will turn off some players.  Some players don't have money to spend on their character.  Others will interpret it as how rich you are, or how much you support rotten customer support if the game truly does have awful customer service like proficient city & r2.

4. Stand up for your members
Are there non-guild players bothering guild members?  Guild masters or officers need to step in and try to resolve issues.  Also, don't you even think about siding with the person or running multi-player events that is causing problems with members.  Your guild members won't like that and you will be setting a poor standard.

5. Notify members times of all guild events
It is easy as creating a facebook page, twitter, or some other site where members can go and look up when guild events are.  Just because a guild master said, event x will be a y doesn't mean everyone will see it.  Assume they won't. Also, be consistent and avoid changing times if possible.

6. Dealing with problematic players in guild
There may be times where some players in the guild don't get along or cause problem or bully people.  You need to step in and find out what's causing them to behave that way and put a stop to it before you have several people leaving over it.

7. Be respectful of other guilds
If you want to grow, you need to be respectful to all people, not just people in your guild.  Don't go around and bully other members.  It may bite you in the back if another guild retaliates and your members may suffer.

8. Don't play favorites
Having a group that you only do multi-player activities can turn people off who don't have groups.  I recommend that if you have a daily group not to be in a high-level guild position because it may upset members that don't have a dedicated team to run with.  Help members find a group if they don't have one.

9. Trusting members to take over when you go on vacation
Games like wartune doesn't allow other people to activate guild events; only the guild master.  You need to ensure that you have at least 1-2 members that you can trust to take over your guild when you decide to take a few days off from the game.  Also, let people know when you do take time off. Don't hide secrets from members.

10.  Use a voice programs like Skype
If there are events like guild battles, it is much easier to talk to members and how to stradegyze by using programs like Skype than trying to type. 

What would other people say how a guild should be managed?

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

More examples of how Proficient City has no respect for paying customers

R2, Kongerate & kabam all have something in common.... they have no respect for paying customers nor do they believe in customer service.  It's simple, they host the game wartune which is owned by 7-road also known as proficient city.  I will at least give some credit to yahoo since they stop hosting servers of wartune and gave them to kabam (if I have time, I'll provide links at a different time). The others hosts seem have no desire for any customer service since they keep putting up with proficient city's incompetence.

Just last week, wartune had a consecutive recharge event  where if you recharged your account for every 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 days you would claim a reward.  Apparently there was problems with the 10th day recharge where it didn't give out the rewards.  Instead, it appeared that you had to recharge for 11 straight days for the 10th day to work. 

Then, they issue this statement:

"An issue occurred with the Accumulative Recharge Bonus event which started from June 17th and ended on June 28th.  We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused by the issue and appreciate your understanding.  Compesation for the Accumulative Recharge issue will be sent within 3 days after the event ends."

NO, YOU ARE NOT sorry proficient city.  Your rotten communism supporting company keeps making these mistakes... now weekly.  You have no interest in making any comments or addressing ANY OF THESE LEGEDMETE REPORTED BUGS.  All you do is take advantage of ego-driven cashers who can't control themselves and who think they have something to prove.  All you are doing is ruining your reputation and the reputation of other gaming companies like R2, Kongerate, and kabam and it is because of YOU that I started this blog and I hope my blog inspires people to avoid all of your games completely since you have once again proven you have no desire to offer superior customer service to your "free service."

As for people who cash at these sites, please stop and demand that they fix their bugs, enforce their TOS to the fullest extent before considering them giving a dime in game that is completely free to play!  As I have said in my previous posts, you are REWARDING gaming companies like proficient city for their poor service.

By the way, proficient city haven't told people who participated in the recharge event what the compensation (at least I spelt this word correctly) pack would be yet and they said it would occur within three days. 

Example of crybaby heavy casher whining about rotten cutomer service

I always get great joy and comic relief when I see heavy cashers complain & whine about in-game issues in their "pay to win" game.  Not too long ago, I came across this whiner in the forms where they had problems "recharging" or purchasing in-game currency. 

Perhaps Darkst0rm, YOU ARE the problem.  Why do you keep rewarding games like wartune for their rotten customer service?   Guess people can't control their ego's and think by cashing in rotten games like wartune is the answer.

By the way, if a heavy casher wants me to remove a post about them, you will need to send me a cashier's check for at least $25,000.  Contact me for an address.  Sorry but I have bills to pay and if you can spend thousands of dollars a month on a game, then my amount I am requesting should be a drop in the bucket.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Issues with "One Size Fits All" cashing in "free to play" games

Free to games like "Wartune" always offers stuff to buy in their store usually with currency that you can only get by paying with US dollars to help your character get ahead.  At times, they will offer "specials" when you purchase a certain amount of in-game currency using US dollars.  The same goes with spending in-game currency.  At times the game will give you items when you spend a certain amount.  Each player can get the same rewards regardless of how many times they purchased currency or how strong they are.

I think that using the "One Size Fits All" approach I mentioned above isn't a good idea for any games especially "free to play" games.  I consider this concept in a way like wealth discrimination.  There are some people who can't afford the US dollar cost of casher items.  There are other people who can easily afford it.  Everyone else would be in the middle.    For comparison, let's say we have $1000 recharge event.  Here is % of some set incomes per year:

$20,000  5% of income
$50,000  2% of income
$100,000  1% of income
$500,000  0.2% of income
and so forth.....

So if you offer a constant rate, the amount of income that person makes will affect them to make a decision if to purchase or not. 

There is also another factor, the strength of your character.  Regardless of how strong your character is, you will be offered the same price for items or purchasing in-game currency.

Games like wartune should offer "fluid" prices for their items that you can only purchase using in-game currency with US dollars.  If a player has demonstrated that they are willing to spend lots of money to build their character, then the prices for the items in the game should go up as well.  In addition, if they are buying the same item, that item's price should go up with each purchase.  Here are some reasons why:

1. When players buy items, they will hit that item cap far sooner than people who don't buy it.  This encourages the game developers to release new junk into the game where cashers can spend more money on new items otherwise the casher may get bored and quit or may quit because they have already spent money but now needs to spend more money to stay ahead.

2.  Why would a non-casher spend a lot of money knowing that won't be enough money to catch up at the same prices?  I bet if a non or light casher saw a great one time deal, they would spend some money to buy some items in which they wouldn't have purchased. 

3. Since games like to release new junk to the game, they have no choice but to make the current items easier to get in the game (If they wouldn't have made some items easier to get, I would have quit wartune already).  Some people like taking their time and getting these items.  Others would get annoyed when they spent countless hours trying to get their item(s) only to find out that they made it easier to get a few months down the line.

Below are some more additional issues that a "free to play" game could run into:

1. Someone starting 2+ years into the game will have a different gaming experience than someone who started shortly after it opened.  The game has to make stuff easier to get for the person who started 2+ years later than the person who started the game out shortly after it opened.  (I know if I wanted to start playing World of Warcraft, I would rather start out at the first release and slowly work my way into the expansion packs but I think this is almost impossible now)

2. Someone who truly hasn't cashed but is able to keep up with some of the light - moderate cashers will be underappreciated and their achievement will most likely go unnoticed (I would fall into this on Wartune).

3. Offering items that you can only get by spending certain amount of money, making the item(s)almost impossible to get any other way, and/or offering items at limited times will turn off players.

4. At anytime the gaming company can decide to pull the plug on the game losing all of your investments.

These are many more reasons but most gamers should be able to relate to the reason(s) I listed.  But these are factors everyone should consider outside of customer service before making a decision to spend money in your "free to play" game (or any game).

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Even more rotten customer service from r2 / proficient city

Today in the game "wartune,"  two new events was added today.  They are:
Both of these events start at  6/25/2015, one at 19:55 and 20:00.  REALLY?  Then, a footnote appeared on their weekly maintenance announcement:
"We appologized for the inconvenience caused by the early-opened Chaos War, the issue has been scheduled to be fixed in the maintenance on 6/25. Please keep an eye on our official websites and forums for the specific time schedule for Chaos War. Thanks."
This is yet another example of how r2 / proficient city has no respect for their cashers.  They continually let these kinds of thing slip.  People like this are not bothered because they keep cashing and cashing and cashing.  (If they claim they are, they would STOP SPENDING THEIR MONEY ON THE GAME, PERIOD!!!)  So I put the blame on cashers because they constantly spend money and reward r2 / proficient city to keep screwing up. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

R2/proficient city refuses to ban people violating their Terms of Use

As I have addressed in the past, each time you create a character in any type of game, you have to agree to terms of use.  In return, I demand and expect that the gaming company fully enforces the Terms of Use to the fullest extent.  And, I claim that people who are following the TOU to the fullest extent are being scammed by the gaming company when they are not taking any action against players that are not following TOU to the fullest extent.

I recently came across this form post on r2 wartune forms regarding sharing their account.  R2's terms of use specifically states:

"You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and are responsible for any harm resulting from your disclosure, or authorization of the disclosure of your password or from any person's use of your password to gain access to your account or account name. At no time should you respond to an online request for a password other than in connection with the log-on process to the Services. Should it be determined that you did reveal your password to any third parties, R2Games reserves the right to disable the account."

And when people post things in the form that players suspect accounts are being shared by other players, the moderators seemed to be "conditioned" to say, "file a ticket with screenshots or other proof you may have."  I say this is ludacris.  Back when I was a administrator and a tournament director for a league over in  myleague, anytime a player registers for a tournament, their IP address is logged.  They had a nice system where it would flag accounts of multiple people would enter tournaments because the system tracked IP addresses.  If myleague can do this, why can't r2/proficient city automatically do this?  Oh, they rather scam legitimate players and waste time of legitimate players by filing tickets where it seems that r2/proficient city won't do anything about it. 

At the end of that form post, someone posted a link about player reporting and in it, it states the following:

"Someone is piloting another player's account. Piloting is definitely not encouraged and is against our Terms of Service. Piloting can be dangerous because an account has its purchase history under the "My R2" tab and many players decide to link their financial information, leaving their credit card open to unauthorized purchases.

Piloting can also result in unwanted deletion or changing of a character, per the "piloter". Personal quarrels can arise, which may result in them deleting the entire inventory, or completing an event that the owner is unaware of are common problems. This could mean that the "piloted" account isn't being handled in the manner the owner wishes.

As we don't actively seek account sharers, it is up to you to keep your information confidential. We may temporarily or permanently ban an account if we find conclusive evidence of sharing, but generally account piloters are not sought out. This will mean, however, that assistance will be minimal should the safety of an account be breached by sharing sensitive information."

I will make an argument that if this is indeed R2's intention not to actively seek account sharers, it NEEDS to be placed in the terms of use and it needs to be in there.  Just because your "billing" information is in there is not a good enough reason not to share your account.  Until the statement is placed in the Terms of Use (or they actually start enforcing the Terms of Use to the fullest extent), here are some tips I would recommend on doing:

1. Stop cashing, period.  All you are doing my spending any amount of money into the game is rewarding gaming companies like r2/proficient city to continue their lack of terms of use.

2. Share your account.  Find someone trustworthy on your game to pilot your character when you won't be around.

3. Purchase a mouse macro program.  I am not going to endorse one but the macro program will basically tell you where your mouse should click.  This is perfect to use in a game like wartune because it is a 2-d game.  Only downfall is that it will take time to set up, but once it works it can save you alot of time and possibly money (better spent money).  Some programs can tell your mouse what color pixel it should click (hint: you could create your own bot!) Note: I would encourage people to use bots in wartune because in this post, nothing is being done to players that are using it.

4. Contact a lawyer.  Figure out what rights you have and if you can file a lawsuit against the game for damages Terms of Use violators has done to you.  And if you are considering to file a lawsuit, please contact me so I know if you have a case or not.  (I have considered filing a lawsuit against R2 for damages but I really don't want to pay a lawyer to consult my case)

5. If you are planning on contacting a lawyer, I would recommend recording all of your gaming adventures so that if you have encountered TOU violator you could seek damages.  (Heck, I would go as far as estimating how much money your character is worth and sue for that amount).

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

When to purchase "monthly membership" in free to play games

You found a awesome free to play game that has a customer service line.  You contacted them, and they have told you and showed you examples of what the game company did when they caught "Terms of Use" violators.  They also did a diagnostics on your pc and said that your pc requirements exceed the minimum requirements.  They have listed all of their planned maintenance on their forms in which they list every detail changes to the game.  They fix all of the in-game bugs.  They have excellent customer service.  Now the next step is to figure out if you should start spending money.

Games like wartune offers a monthly membership (called "VIP" in wartune) where you get weekly items, no cool down time on some things, automatically pull some items, double experience points, and so forth.  However, there are many things it don't offer but it should.  Below are a list of items that the game's monthly membership SHOULD offer before you decide to subscribe to one:

- Missed multi-player dungeons
Does your game only allow you to do x amount of multi-player dungeon attempts per day?  Do you lose that attempt if you don't run it on that day?  You shouldn't with a membership.  Memberships should allow people to all any missed multi-player dungeons to the next day (rolled-over).  Not everyone has time each day to do all of multi-player dungeons. Why should people who are paying lose them?

- Server transfer
Are you stuck in a rotten server where there players are rude?  Did you find a new job in which it causes you to miss many of the server's events so you need to change time zones?  Are you having problems finding people to do multi-player dungeons?  It's time to change servers!  You should at least be allowed to change servers at least 1-2 a year.

- eliminate blitz time
Some games after completing campaigns or things that you don't need other players to complete allow people to "blitz" a dungeon.  What a blitz does is you don't actually have to run the dungeon, the game will run it for you showing you a clock at how much time is left.  Memberships should allow you to reduce the blitz time or eliminate the timer all together.

- Missed time events
Won't be around for a timed event?  No fear, you should be able to make up for it by claiming half rewards for missing it or perhaps a challenge where instead you have a timed event or you fights bots instead of players. (Note there are many different type of events that may be timed, some may be easy to make up while others almost impossible to make up)

What other things do you think monthly memberships should offer players?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Top cashers think they have skill but all they do is brag about their wealth

We recently had a player vs player event in wartune in which teams of four competed against each other.  Course, the game also allowed people to increase stats by spending in-game currency (spending US dollars).  The picture I posted here was the team on one of the servers for the month of June.  Then someone tells me this team was trash talking a group of players in group arena and sent me this:
Basically, they are trash talking because their opponents casted healing spells.  This just shows just how narcissistic rich jerks thinks about other players who think skills come from purchasing in-game items and how much money you spend to build your character.

First off, not all people to play free to play games like wartune has the money to spend.  Just because you are able to spend $2,000 per month doesn't mean that the rest of your opponents do.  I estimated that 99.99% of all people in the server I played in has quit the game.  You seriously enjoy playing a game like wartune where more people are quitting than joining?  Who will you brag to when they shut the game down?

Second, you have no skill, just cash.  If the game didn't let douchbags like you spend the money like you did, the team that you fought probably would have kicked your ass.

Three, what would you do if someone came to your house and burned it down?  You know who did it and so does the police, but they refuse to do anything about it (they would rather eat doughnuts and would).  How would that make you feel?  If that would make you mad, then why are you ok for proficient city's refusal to enforce TOU to the fullest extent?  Same concept.

Last, you are bragging about how rich you are.  If you still think this is a game, you are phonies and hypocrite because you wouldn't waste $25,000 + on a game like this.

I understand that it is their choice if they want to spend money on this game.  However, if you are going to run around and "brag" about yourself, anyone who listens has the right to respond using the same respect as they did to you.  By the way, feel free to send me a cashier's check.  I got bills to pay!  I would rather have money come to me than to a game that refuses to enforce Terms of Use to the fullest extent.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Questions I would ask "EC Master" of wartune

Dolly Game Wartune blog recently posted this and this articles on questions they asked an "EC Master" on wartune.  I am quite disappointed at the type of questions DollyGame's asked the EC Master since the master was able to answer all of them in a sentence.  This got me thinking "what would I ask an "EC Master" if I had the opportunity?  Well, below is a list (and possible follow up questions to his answers)

1.  Why does 7-road/proficient city allow people to share passwords when the TOC states, "You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and are responsible for any harm resulting from your disclosure, or authorization of the disclosure of your password or from any person's use of your password to gain access to your account or account name. At no time should you respond to an online request for a password other than in connection with the log-on process to the Services. Should it be determined that you did reveal your password to any third parties, R2Games reserves the right to disable the account.?"
 - Why is this even stated in your TOU if the company has made the decision not to enforce it?
 - Why do you force members that they must check off that they agree to use the TOU if you don't fully enforce it?
- Does Proficient City feel that they are scamming players that are following the TOU to the fullest extent when they allow people to share their passwords?

2. Why doesn't proficient city ban accounts that sell their account to a different player?

3.  I bet that weekly maintenance dates is planned months ahead of time.  Why does proficient city wait 4-6 hours before posting anything about it?

4.  Why does proficient city wait until five hours after the oceanic server gets the new events for the day to post an official update?
 - Why doesn't proficient city give a couple days notice or vaguely promote new events a few days before they happen?

5. Many players complain about the lag that occurs especially during player vs player events like group arena.  Will proficient city make changes to the game such as lower graphic/hide graphics to reduce lag?  Why or why not?
- What type of computer do you recommend to players?
- What should players do if they are experiencing lag and their computer exceeds what proficient city recommended?
- Why do you keep telling players to "clear catche" when that doesn't work well?

6. R2 forms has an extensive list of in-game bugs.  Why is proficient city not fixing them or making any comments about them?
- Will proficient city fix these bugs, why or why not?

7. When wartune started almost three years ago, there were over 1,000 + active players per server.  Now there are only 200+ active players per server.  Why has proficient city made the choice to only have 200+ active players per server instead of 1,000+?
- When people are only available for a certain period of time and can't find enough players strong enough to complete a multi-player activity, what is your opinion they should do?

8.  Many other games offer people to change servers.  Why doesn't proficient city offer people to change servers?

9. Many chests lists many possible items that someone can get.  Since many of these costs in-game currency that the best way to get it is by paying US dollars, why doesn't proficient city feel they have to disclose the probability of each item?
- Has confidence interval tests been performed showing that the probability is efficient?

10.  Will wartune be around in five or ten years from now?  Why?
- Does proficient city have any interest in making games that will last 20+ years?

11.  There are many people who have work schedules where they work 12+ hours a day but may have three or more days off in the week.  On the days these players work, they probably won't have time to run many multi-player dungeons but would have more than enough time to run them on the days off.  Why does proficient city have a "use it or lose it" policy on multi-player dungeons?
- Why can't VIP players accumulate Multi-player attempts if they don't use them?

12. Why has proficient city decided to rank top 100 players/teams for titan wars/class wars by their battle rating instead of how many points they accumulated (before taking their battle rating)?

13.  Why does proficient city during maintenance refuse to list every last game detail that is being changed especially big ones that can affect gameplay?

In my opinion, it should be extremely easy to chat to a game representative on all "free to play" games because game players like myself should know answers to these type of questions before deciding if it is a game worth spending money/investing in along with asking questions.  Proficient city made a strategic move to overcharge for events and to feed on people ego's.  So far it has been working (although 99.99% of players have quit so far) and I hope this blog gets them to wake up.

Wartune's lack of customer service for month of June

As usual, I always find holes in the game wartune in which the game makers seem to ignore.  Here are a few of them:

Continue of lack of notification for Wartune weekly maintenance
History repeats itself.  Back in February, I reported that they only gave four to six hour notice when the game was going down for maintenance.  Once again they did it again tonight, 6/10/15 with about a six hour notice.  Really?  How hard is it to post on a calendar when the weekly maintenance will occur and that you will provide an update at a later date?  (I recommend that games should be posting server maintenance updates at least 72 hours in advance, if not more).  Besides, all they did was add yet another event in which will occur two weeks from this maintenance. 

However, I will say that the maintenance for 6/5/15 was announced with over 48 hours notice.

Damage done by Eudaemon DOES NOT count for damage points for world boss & sylph boss
Damage done by my troops count for my total damage delt during events like world boss but somehow eduaemon's aren't?  This has been going on for at least two months and has been addressed in the r2 forms but once again, proficient city has no respect for their customers and will not tell their players if damage done by the eudaemon counts or not (in my opinion, damage SHOULD count as it states "every time YOU damage a boss").  I feel that people who spent copious amounts of money to build their eudaemon are being scammed during events like world boss because they are NOT getting rewards they are entitled to. Once again, cashers seem to not care.  Perhaps they enjoyed being scammed? Seriously cashers, can I threaten to slap your face unless you pay me $1000?

Warriors call WORKS during world boss
This is a possible beneficial game bug in which if you happen to have warrior's call skill, it will work in other areas besides what it listed on the picture I included.  Perhaps this works everywhere in the game, but the description listed only works in two areas.  Too bad it only lasts 30 minutes and you have to purchase it using in-game currency in which you can get by paying cash.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Proficient city has no respect for paying customers to explain how "league points" work for group arena event

Wartune has a daily event where teams of four people join together in a room and fight other teams in what's called "group arena."  Win or lose, you get a couple of items called "insignia" and "league insignia" along with something called "league points" which determines your rank for each battle. You have a rank in group arena, which is divided into four different categories; iron, silver, gold, & diamond.  The higher your rank, the more "league insignia" and "league points" you get win or lose per battle or at the end of the week.  The rank resets every seven days in which everyone starts over in the iron group. There is one thing that wartune has yet to explain to its gamers..... how does the league points work?  Let me explain.

Typically when I run group arena, when I am in iron group, sometimes I will get 30 points for a loss, other times 130 points for a loss (big big difference as in 333% point difference) while sometimes when I win, I will get 50 points or 190 points (280% difference).  I have always wondered why this was the case.  Here are some screenshots I took showing the big point difference:

On this picture, I have a teammate claiming they got 190 league points while I only got 90 for a win.

On this picture, the top green arrow shows one victory in which I received 190 league points.  Bottom green arrow shows another victory but I only received 90 league points.



On this picture, the top red circle was a win with 190 league points, the bottom red circle was a loss but I received 130 league points.

So, why such the huge different in league points?  I can't stand it when I run into a casher team, get my butt stomped (when they start gloating about how strong they are, it gets me very angry because they are indirectly telling me just how wealthy they are) and I only receive 30 league points instead of 130 points.  Oh, by the way, did I mention that teams have no control on who their opponents are (Well it usually matches people that are of similar level)?  The league point distribution has been reported in the r2 forms  but has yet been updated or an explanation given.

League points are important because at the end of the week, you get more league insignias the higher your rank is.
So, how do you expect players who have low battle rating or are new that level up fast (or are forced to level up fast because the server they are in is giving an additional 1000% exp) to get enough league insignias to help build their character  when they are getting cheated on in group arena when it comes to league points?  Anyone want to explain it for me? 

Group arena pairings are somewhat bad in wartune, and will only get worse since more people are quitting then starting along with larger battle ranking gaps.  Also, group arena can be very time consuming because you need to find three other teammates which can take up to 30 minutes or more since servers are small along with another 30-45 minutes to complete 15 runs (which is the maximum allowed for rewards). Thus, group arena to some people is useless as they will die quickly and get screwed when it comes to points and trying to get enough game items to help build their character or they don't have enough time to find and run with a team. 

As usual, free to play games like wartune choses not to offer an explanation exactly as how these points are distributed thus affecting people's gameplay.  Yet, we see many cashers continue to cash because they can't control their ego and would rather have their ego satisfied than having good customer service.   Sorry, I refuse to pay because I for one want to know exactly how league points are distributed and I hope I encouraged people who are reading this to do the same.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Rotten customer service game "Wartune" up for Sale

I recently came across this article stating that changyou is selling 7 road  or proficient city which is the owner of wartune for upto 200 million dollars.  I will admit I had no idea that wartune was owned by so many different companies.  But anyhow, changyou is selling it because they want to focus on mobile games (wartune isn't a mobile game).  I checked the stock of changyou today and it seems that they have been flat over the past five years.  They haven't broken the $40 mark since October 2013 and the $50 mark since July 2011.  I wonder why their stocks peaked at these particular points for a short period of time.  Insider trading perhaps?  Wouldn't surprise me since they refuse to enforce wartune's TOU to the fullest extent.

So it looks like I will be adding changyou to my list of company hosted games in which I will be boycotting.  All they seem to care about is making short term profits on their games by creating them, pretending to have good customer service at the start but once the games takes off, they abandon it and focus on new games thus end up shutting the game down and continuing the cycle.  By the look of their stock, they have not grown, only maintained. 

Perhaps if this gaming company would focus on keeping players long term (10+ years) with making small additions every couple of months and offering the best customer service & enforcing their Terms of Service to the fullest extent, I bet their stock would take off.  People like me would be like, "wow, this game is so fun and not too time consuming!  You should try it out!" Course, there are other issues I have with wartune that I'll bring up in a different post.

As for my readers, I strongly suggest that you either stop giving them any money on any of their games expecially games that are hosted by changyou, 7road, proficient city, r2 games, kongregate, armor games, and kabam because I will keep empathizing that you are rewarding the game company by their rotten customer service (or don't bother playing any of their games).

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Bloggers who help free to play games make money also criticizes game for rotten customer service

One of my favorite wartune bloggers Wartune Balens Guide recently posted an article "Wartune Scam Warning."  In it, they describe an activity where they were doing an activity which required you to spend balens (an in-game currency where you have to purchase it using US dollars) to get some items.  Unfortunately they didn't do their research before deciding to spend their hard earned money and spend 1500 balens  ($15) for something that is worth about 300 balens ($3).

I honestly don't know if I should laugh at this blogger or not for that article post.  In situations like this where wartune offers promotions, you need to make sure your i's are dotted and your t's are crossed and figure out if it is a good value or not.  Course there are some people who have almost unlimited financial resource to go out and buy something they don't have (and don't care about the quality of the service; they just want that item so they can "show off" which I can argue that you are showing off your wealth).  Based on my experience with wartune or proficient city, they are trying to target people who are quite wealthy offering recharge packs where you can get the maximum benefit for $1,000 per month.  That's a lot of money for most middle-class people (in which I believe will only destroy a game in a few years because other people will not be able to catch up, including the new people who join).

I do enjoy reading their blog.  I am an Analytical thinker and so is this person.  I like the statistical analysis they do in figuring out if spending money on promotions is worth it.  Also, I think this person is a hypocrite because at least once a month, I will see them complain at the horrible customer service wartune has but yet help people out if they should spend their money on an event thus giving the game more money than they would have gotten.

I could have easily started a blog offering my experience and helping people get ahead in free to play games like  "Wartune" but decided not to because in my opinion people need to start demanding top notch customer service before giving them a penny.  In fact, games like wartune that offer such rotten customer service, I wish was more targeted with hacks & bots that would ruin the game's profitability.  I would go so far to encourage people that if they know how to use bots or know how to hack to go ahead and use them and share your passwords with other people just because as I posted in a previous article they don't fully enforce their Terms of Use.  By doing this, you would harm and hurt the legitimate cashers who spend money on the game and force wartune to fully enforce their TOU, clean up their mess or shut down the game in which I would have no sympathy to cashers who would complain that their game they spend $25,000 on and they lost it all because they didn't demand superior customer service before they started spending.  They were perfectly fine at how the customer service was.

I personally think that the Wartune Balens Guide should shut down his blog.  Why continue to keep posting articles letting people know when to spend money when in return, the game doesn't compensate him for it (an assumption) and the game offers rotten customer service?  Encourage people how to get ahead by using bots/hacks and so forth instead until the game offers superior customer service (or shuts down).

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

In my last post, I discussed about Terms of Service and how games like wartune refuses to enforce portions of it.  Not too long after I posted that article, I came across this:
 I initially was quite annoyed and appalled that one of the top cashers in the European servers is deciding to throw in the towel on wartune.  By quitting, you will lose 100% of your investment.  I bet this person has spent over $100,000 on this game.  Course by quitting you wouldn't spend any more money since wartune keeps adding junk to the game that forces heavy cashers like this person to spend in order to keep staying far ahead.  Selling an account would be a logical choice to at least get some money back.
However, the TOS on R2 specifically states that you are not allowed to sell your account and share your password.  Since R2 rarely enforces sharing of passwords, I can see why this wartune character wants to sell their password.  If this person does sell their account, I believe that all of the players on the eastern server will be scammed assuming R2 completely ignores this. Let me explain.
Since everyone has to agree to follow the TOS/TOU when you start a game, I expect the game to fully enforce it.  If they don't, many people will get an unfair advantage or "cheat" to get ahead thus affecting other players.  It could affect them positively or negatively.
It is quite obvious that people that this person does multi-player activities would benefit the most.  In group arena, the team that this character is on would probably win most or all of the battles (while the losing team being scammed in this case by losing to someone who should be inactive).  In other multi-player activities, the team that this character would run probably would get much further and get better rewards than if they went with someone else.  Again, this benefits the team but puts a disadvantage to other players especially people from other servers (which I will attempt to explain shortly). 
Many disadvantages on the server this player would be as follows:
- If the character plays an activity that the whole server gets to play and the rewards are based on damage dealt; all other players WILL get less rewards as this scammer is taking in some of the rewards.
-This character would steal a rank in arena thus everyone else would be ranked less and get less rewards because of it
- In guild battle, if this character plays, the opponent guild would have a harder time winning their battle (or if they can win at all) thus getting a loss where they should have won and getting less rewards because of it. (This would benefit the guild this character would be on)
Many disadvantage from cross-server include:
-If opponents would run into this character in cross-server arena, they would have a loss instead of facing a different team
- If you would run into this character is battleground, you may end up being an opponent which if you would have to fight this character, you would probably lose instead of fighting someone else
- This character will take up one of the top spots in class wars taking someone else spot which all other players would have a lower ranking than they would otherwise have
- This player would take up a rank in sylph arena where everyone else would have a lower rank because of this character
Do you see my point as to how this will negatively affect other players?  It seems to me that I am the only one bothered by this.  You say that this is a "game?"  Why then do you invest money onto this game you hypocrite (or time but I should talk)?!?   So I hope I convinced you to stop paying for a "free to play" game until they offer superior customer service.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

TOP reason why you shouldn't cash in "free to play" games, failure to fully enforce TOS/TOU

Anytime you start a new game or create an account, 100% of the time you will be required that you will  need to check off that you "have read and agreed to the Terms of Service & Private Policy" in order to play a game or use a service.  The issue I have with that is each time I am forced to follow the TOS, I will end up finding people abusing TOS which can affect my status of my character (generally put me behind) or illegal advertisement in the game. This post, I will elaborate on some of r2's terms of service says and provide some examples of how they are NOT enforcing their TOS.

"R2Games does not recognize the transfer of our Games accounts or R2Games accounts. You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift or trade any account, and any such attempt shall be null and void."

Really?  Please explain to me why this account that I have posted below has not been banned from the game or "null and void" which I am not exactly sure what this means (since this character is clearly trying to sell their account by naming one of their characters BuyMyToonPM).

If they claim they don't have evidence, bs.  I will claim someone who intentionally names any of their characters like this is enough circumstantial evidence that they want to sell their character.  Also, I did a quick google search and I found this website that lists characters that are trying to sell their account. 

"You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and are responsible for any harm resulting from your disclosure, or authorization of the disclosure of your password or from any person's use of your password to gain access to your account or account name. At no time should you respond to an online request for a password other than in connection with the log-on process to the Services. Should it be determined that you did reveal your password to any third parties, R2Games reserves the right to disable the account."

I will admit, this is tricky to interpret but basically I interpret this as you are NOT allowed to give out or share your password to anyone else.  I see people on wartune share their accounts all the time.  I also have seen people give their accounts to other people when they quit or sell them.  This is one of the most easy TOS to enforce because your Internet service Provider (IP) number is tracked.  Let's say you are from Seattle, Washington and you share your password from someone that lives in New York, New York and that person logs in an hour after you logged off, the IP address from New York will show.  (If you seriously think that someone can travel from Seattle to New York in an hour, I would love to know how)  If this is happening constantly, the account needs to be flagged, suspended, and banned. 
I will make an argument that other players who agreed to the TOS are being scammed when people share passwords.  If someone else is running another person's account when the TOS states you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password, you will probably run into them at some point either by taking resources where you would get more if that account wasn't there.   You also could run into that account by a player vs player event where if they are stronger than you, you will lose thus you will lose out on resources than by fighting another player.  Also, people who share passwords will be able to get more multi-player done than they otherwise would putting people who follow TOS at an unfair advantage.  This list can keep on going and going.

"You are not permitted under any circumstances or for any reason to cheat or utilize third-party applications or code in order to win at, or gain game points or items from any of our Games."

This rule is basically similar to password sharing except that you are using a bot to run your character.

"R2Games shall be entitled to file a claim for monetary compensation from anyone deemed to have violated these rules in any way.
You agree not to design, disseminate or use any third party programs designed to change any Game played on R2Games site, nor assist in the design of a third party program that changes any Game played on the site. You will be responsible for any damages to R2Games resulting from any of your use, dissemination or design of such programs, and you agree to pay R2Games liquidated damages in the sum of Hundred Thousand Dollars for each such program, or in the sum of One Thousand Dollars for each time you use a program."

You threaten people in your TOS that they must pay  $100,000 for liquidation damage but you refuse to enforce other portions of TOS?  Really?  Where is a lawyer!!!!?

"You may not:
1) Reverse-engineer, decompile or modify any of the game clients and use it in any way.
2) Exploit any cheats or errors which you find in our service. Any cheats or errors you discover must be reported immediately to us.
3) Attempt to access any other user's account.
4) Misuse any of our customer service facilities.
5) Deliberately enter false information into any of the forms on our website.
6) Encourage, or attempt to trick other players into breaking our rules."

Interesting.... attempt to access any other user's account is on here which basically another way of saying you are to keep your password confidential.  I also find interesting on exploiting any errors.  Sometimes someone may find an "error" and not realize that it is a game "error" or bug or when people find a game error, they won't fix it or ban people for abusing it (this happened multiple times to me on wartune where people using errors to get ahead on the game thus causing my character to lose out on resources)

"You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless R2Games, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors, representatives, and third party providers to the site from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, resulting from any violation of these Terms by you. R2Games reserves the right to assume, at its sole expense, the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you, in which event you will fully cooperate with R2Games in asserting any available defenses."

Nice double standard.... it seems you can't sue R2 for damages but boy they sure can come after you if you "damage" their service.  Where is a lawyer!!!!!!?

Since games like Wartune are "free to play" they should be doing everything in their power to fully enforce the TOS to get the best gaming experience possible to motivate you to buy game items or upgrade.... but they don't.  It's sad to see people constantly put up with their lack of enforcement while people still spend, spend, spend.  They are the real losers since they don't care that they are being scammed (or they could be scamming players at the same time).  Either way, always demand superior customer service before playing into a "free to play" game!!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Even games that require monthly subscriptons fee's scam players

Apparently Blizzard has finally decided to ban accounts on the game World of Warcraft (WoW). My comment to blizzard..... how long have you known about this?   You allowed this crap to go on for HOW long?  You were scamming gamers that were PAYING a monthly subscription fee to play this game for how long?  I am utterly disgusted that blizzard allowed "cheaters" (I prefer to call them "TOS violators") to play s long as they did before they finally suspended cheater?

 I know people who was very impressed with blizzard's customer service.  Ever since I found out about this story, they lost their credibility.  I will admit that I have no idea how long these players was using bots to get ahead in their game but if they are banning over 100,000 accounts, I suspect that these bots have been going on for I beat over a year..... and they decide to act on it now?

I will at least give blizzard some credit for enforcing their TOS but because of this, I will encourage anyone who plays any game where paying cash to buy in-game currency and/or anyone who plays a game that require a monthly subscription fee SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER to know what rights you have if your game that you are playing fails to enforce their Terms of Service to the fullest expect because I feel that it is a complete SCAM, and in a way, being the victim of Insider Trading.

In my opinion, blizzard should also go further and compensate any player who was affected by these bot either by giving refunds and/or game rewards that they lost because of the bots.  In order for players to play their game, they had to check off that they will agree and follow their Terms of Service!

Speaking of Terms of Service, I will definitely be discussing that more in-depth in a future post.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Reason 6 not to pay "free to play" games: Failure to disclose probability of items

WOW!  You see an item in the game shop that you want to buy.  The only way you can load up with this item is to buy it with in-game currency that you only can purchase with money (such as US dollars or the euro).  After you bought a few of these items, the description says:

Open this chest to receive one of the following items:
Gold x XXXX
daru x XXXX
gem X 1
crystal x 1
Nice useful item x 1
Nice useful item x 1
Useful item x 1
Extremely useful item x 1

Here is an example of one of these chests in wartune:

You open the "Clown Chest III" to receive one of the four items.  When I opened this Clown Chest it seemed that each of the items listed was a 1 in 4 chance of getting it.  What about the other chests?  I see there are 10 possible items to get in the 2nd chest.  So you would think by opening the chest 10 times you would have gotten all of the items?

Actually, it is not the case.  Wartune does not disclose any odd's of any of the item in any of their chests when you open it.  Many blogs calculate probabilities by asking people to send in what they got when they opened up chests.  Shouldn't that be Wartune's job to supply this information and not fan-based blogs?

I look at it this way.... when you buy scratch off or a lottery ticket, they will display the odds of each of the prizes you get.  Buying a lottery ticket is completely optional.  So is buying these items.  The game at least should be disclosing these items but it's apparent that many people have no interest
 in knowing what the probability of each item is before they buy it.  Not only should they be disclosing the probability of each item, they should also be disclosing confidence interval test validating that their probability formula is working and paying out as claimed otherwise you run risk that you may be scammed.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wartune's lack of customer service week 3/23/2015

This past couple of weeks, I have came across some rotten customer service that cashers keep putting up with in wartune:

1. Wartune banning people without any advance notice
I came across this article in which some cashers are getting banned because you say something on the form that someone didn't like.  I strongly suspect that wartune bans people without warning and does not send you any e-mails stating reasons why you are not banned which you won't find out until you try logging into the game.  Like the article states, it may take weeks for you to get your account active again.  This is quite unfair.

Before I would even consider paying into a "free to play" game, there needs to be a customer service telephone line where I can easily get a hold of someone if something would happen.  Also, I would like to see their banning or suspension process posted in this Terms of Service.  It should be warnings sent out to your e-mail account along with your game before any suspension or ban occurs.  Wartune was made in China which I suspect most employees are mimicking their government as they are communists and probably have no concept on superior customer service (I recommend they should learn how provide superior customer service from American Society of Quality).

2. Severe bugs in wartune's cross-server guild battle
We had our last cross-server guild battle this past Sunday and I ran into a bug where more than four people can enter in the same battle.  My understanding is that only four people can enter.  Clearly that wasn't the case in this picture:
As you can see, there are more than four people (most were killed off) in the battle while I was stuck in this battle for quite awhile.  I couldn't even attack any opponents in this battle until someone else from my team died.  The same happened from the opponents would die and another one would enter.  This battle lasted almost eight minutes and I lost time in this bugged up battle where I could have been doing something else.  (Note:  I cut off one side of the battle as I have no desire of identifying myself or any players on my server) How do you expect to get ahead in the game when free to play games don't fully beta test their games before releasing them to the public?  Oh! I know!  Cashers are the beta testers!  Instead of paying people to find bugs in their games, they rather be paid for people to find them!  Real nice... NOT!  I consider that a scam and a rip-off! The Cross Server guild battle has happened fourteen times.  It's sad to see that the developers haven't fixed it.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Reason #5 not to pay "free to play games:" game maker dosn't respect paying consumer

 As I was browsing Wartune news to see if any new consumption events (they post the new consumption events shortly after the Oceanic Server is 12AM while r2 forms doesn't post any new consumption events until five hours before the east coast server is 12AM), I came across this:
Apparently a casher finds a problem with a couple of their transactions (or recharging, buying in-game currency using their credit card or paypal).  This continues:
Quite interesting that this moderator keeps responding by "Sorry for responding late."  Anyhow, apparently wartune is saying that this customer owes $139.98.  The customer is claiming that they had problems recharging and has no evidence on their end that wartune was billed.  Wartune is threatening to ban this person's account.  I find it odd that wartune DID NOT supply their financial recards (just a transaction ID) but claiming that a "chargeback" occurred.  This continues:   
This is utterly disgusting.... wartune didn't resolve this but instead made a "concession."   I have no idea who is correct in this situation but I suspect that the player does have proof that no charges was made to any of their accounts and would contact a lawyer to continue disputing while wartune isn't providing any specific payments that was made during the said transactions. 
If you have any billing issues on wartune, you cannot call them.  You can only submit tickets.  If your "free to play" game only offers a ticket submission and no customer service telephone number to call, I suggest not to spend your money because you will have a difficult time resolving issues just like this person.   I suspect that this problem is quite common in "free to play" games.  Heck, I even know two people personally who had a hard time canceling their "premium" or was double-billed in wartune and had to go through hurdles to finally resolve this.  If they had a customer service number they could have called, they would have been able to resolve their issues quickly and they probably would return.
Would you keep paying someone $100 per month just so they can stop picking on you? If not, why would you keep paying "free to play" games when they offer rotten service?  And, if anyone has a story to share about any "free to play" games customer service, feel free to send me an e-mail (I will need screenshots). 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Reason #4 not to pay "free to play" games, the way the producers spend their money

Are you concerned about global warming?  If so, you should go out of your way and buy products that have the least carbon footprint so you are protecting the planet and supporting in surpressing global warming.  What about if you are offended that your union dues are going to pay for stuff like this?  Why would I bring this topic up here?  Because you probably never thought about how would the seller spend their money.

The same should apply for any free-to-play games where spending money is completely optional.  You should at least figure out how they would spend their money.  In a way, you are making a donation (except to a for-profit company instead of a non-profit) but again you are purchasing in-game stuff where you can only use it on that game and nowhere else.  Do your research about the game you are considering in opening your wallet.  Contact them and ask them questions.  Use google to research.  Another site to research your game is better buisness bureau.

For example, r2 is located in Arizona so chances are, if you like that area in all aspects (political, environment, economy, etc.) then it would be a good bet that your money will be spend the way you want to.  Course if you don't like that area, I wouldn't recommend spending money. 

Another example would be proficient city which is the creator of wartune.  They are in China.  Chances are, most of your money would go there supporting their economy (and in my opinion by cashing on wartune you probably are supporting communism).  If any of this doesn't bother you, go ahead and spend your hard earned money (unless you are one of the few that inherited your money).  If it does, find a different game to play!

Some examples of in-game problems on free to play games

It's quite amazing that people can't control their ego when problems occur in games.  They rather continue to reward the game they play by allowing bug to exist for a long period of time so they can remain a stronger player instead of demanding their game to fix all game problems.  Cashers in my opinion who spend any kind of money on a game and whine about problems are hypocrites and are rewarding the game maker for not fixing their problems.

This week alone, I came across three in-game issues in wartune that I would like to share:

Issue 1 - events not refreshing:  The servers went down this weekened so the game can adjust the clock due to daylight savings time.  Couple days later, many game events didn't reset after reset time. Many people like myself lost out of a day's worth of some activities.  Long-term this isn't a big deal but what was bad was how r2 - one of the hosts of wartune handled it.  They didn't even bother posting anything official about this bug that occurred.  We did receive a compensation package but it was crummy and didn't allow us to go back and do events that many people missed out on for a day. 
My solution: All "premium" players in any free to play game should have any attempts that they missed on a prior day "stacked," meaning if they miss one attempt one day, it will carry over to the next day.  Wartune unfortunately does not give their "premium" (VIP) players this option. By doing this, all of the VIP players would have been able to do some of their daily events at a later time and if they miss a few days, they can make up all of the events that they lost out on.

Issue 2- sylph bots:    I get great comic relief on people who complain about people using  programs or "bots" to perform some of in-game tasks and the game does absolutely nothing about this problem.  My solution would be for the gaming site to fully enforce their terms of service which wartune does not (this will be a future topic I will address).  My solution:  Stop paying for a game that allow bots and instead spend money on a bot program instead until the game starts to crack down and ban people that use bots.

Issue 3 - jewel hunt bug: I just found out about this beneficial bug on a game event where you can increase your rewards while doing the event.  Bugs like this are rare on the game but it seems that the game knows about it for awhile and does not want to fix it.  It looks like some people have been banned for using this bug and other haven't (particularly cashers). My solution:  I would say if you are able to, take advantage of this bug until wartune gets off their lazy butt and fixes it. It seems that if you do spend some money on this game, you are immune from being banned by taking advantage of this bug.